Set a fixed cost for a task or summary
If you have costs that aren’t associated with any rate-based people or material resources, or any cost resources such as equipment or other variable resource costs, you enter them on a task. You can’t add a fixed cost to a resource.
A fixed cost can be a one-time, miscellaneous cost that’s incurred on a specific task. You can add a fixed cost to any task, including the project summary task that represents the entire project.
iTaskX offers two ways to do this:
- Point to „View” (from the „View” menu at the top of your screen) > „Current View:” > „Gantt Chart” > „Cost Table” or any other task view with a sheet.
- Select the task, summary or milestone for which you want to enter a fixed cost.
- In the „Fixed Cost” field, type a cost amount.
- In the „Fixed Costs Accrual” field, cost accrual is „Prorated” by default, but you can pick „Start” or „End” to accrue the fixed cost at the start or end of the project.
- Point to „View” (from the „View” menu at the top of your screen) > „Current View:” > „Gantt Chart” > „Cost Table” or any other task view with a sheet.
- Select the task, summary or milestone for which you want to enter a fixed cost.
- Click on the „Info” inspector.
- In the „Fixed Cost” field, under „Extras”, type a cost amount.
- In the „Fixed Costs Accrual” field, under „Extras”, cost accrual is „Prorated” by default, but you can pick „Start” or „End” to accrue the fixed cost at the start or end of the project.