Remove resource assignments
You might remove a resource assignment from a task to account for over allocation or under allocation, or to control costs.
- Select the task to which you want to remove a resource.
- Click on the „Resources” inspector.
- In the upper part of the inspector, click on the resource you want to remove.
- Click on the „-” button in the lower part of the „Resources” inspector to remove the resource.
- Select the task to which you want to remove all resources.
- Click on the „Remove-Assigned-Resources”
mini toolbar icon to remove all resources.
- As you remove assigned resources from tasks, the durations for those tasks might change. If you don't want durations to change, turn off „Effort driven” scheduling for the task in the „Info” inspector („Extras” pane).
- When you remove a resource from a task, the work assigned to the removed resource is automatically distributed among the remaining resources for tasks that are „Effort driven” and not „Fixed Work”. Otherwise, you can manually adjust the work to redistribute it among the remaining resources.
- To change settings for „Effort driven”, „Fixed Work”, „Fixed Units” or „Fixed Duration” task, select the task you want to change, click the „Info” inspector choose the „Extras” pane and make your changes there.
- Further information about task types you can find here.